Gracious Revenge (2019-20) is a South Korean television drama series directed by Song Hyun Wook and written by Lee Hyeon-Joo. The drama follows the life of a young girl named Carrie Jung, played by Chan Hee Jung, who is forced to go through many trials and tribulations in her journey of revenge. The story is full of twists and turns, making it an intense and exciting watch for viewers.
The story revolves around the life of Carrie Jung, who was abandoned by her mother when she was young. She grew up under the care of her grandmother, who ran a small restaurant. Carrie had always been a bright and hardworking student, but her life took a turn for the worse when her grandmother passed away, leaving her alone and helpless.
Carrie’s life took another turn when she met Hyo Jae, played by Bae Soo Bin, who is the CEO of a large corporation. Hyo Jae falls in love with Carrie, but their relationship is put to the test when Hyo Jae’s father does not approve of their relationship as Carrie is not from a wealthy background.
The drama showcases how Carrie navigates through numerous obstacles and challenges to seek revenge for the wrongs done to her in the past. In this article, we will dive deeper into the storyline of Gracious Revenge (2019–20).
Plot Summary
Carrie Jung, a bright and hardworking student, is abandoned by her mother when she is young. She grows up under the care of her grandmother, who runs a small restaurant. Carrie’s life takes a turn for the worse when her grandmother suddenly passes away, leaving her alone and helpless.
Carrie is later adopted by an American family who take her to the United States. However, her new family is not as caring as she thought they would be, and she is forced to run away from them.
After many trials and tribulations, Carrie returns to Korea to seek revenge against those who wronged her in the past. She starts working at a large corporation owned by Hyo Jae’s family, and he falls in love with her.
Carrie’s revenge mission is complicated when she finds out that the person who forced her to leave her grandmother was none other than Hyo Jae’s mother. She is put in a difficult position where she has to choose between love and revenge.
The drama is full of twists and turns, making it an intense and exciting watch for viewers. The story is well-written and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Gracious Revenge (2019-20) boasts of an impressive cast of actors and actresses whose performances add depth and emotion to the already captivating storyline. The cast includes:
1. Chan Hee Jung as Carrie Jung
2. Bae Soo Bin as Hyo Jae
3. Kim Hee Jung as Hee Soo
4. Lee Hye Sook as Kang Yoon Ok
5. Jung Hye Sun as Grandma
6. Cha Eun Woo as Ahn Jung Woo
7. Kim Sa Kwon as Ryuk
With such an incredible cast, it is no surprise that Gracious Revenge (2019–20) was a major hit among Korean drama fans.
Q: Where can I watch Gracious Revenge (2019-20)?
A: Gracious Revenge (2019-20) can be watched on Viki, a popular streaming platform for Korean dramas.
Q: How many episodes does Gracious Revenge have?
A: Gracious Revenge has 103 episodes.
Q: Is Gracious Revenge a good drama to watch?
A: Yes, Gracious Revenge is a well-written and well-acted drama that is definitely worth a watch.
Gracious Revenge (2019-20) is an emotional and captivating television drama series that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. With a talented cast, incredible storyline, and intense plot twists, it is no surprise that Gracious Revenge was a major hit among Korean drama fans. If you are looking for a new series to binge-watch, we highly recommend giving Gracious Revenge a try.
And the best part? You can now watch all 103 episodes of Gracious Revenge (2019-20) on Juraganfilm, your go-to streaming site for quality Korean dramas. With its user-friendly interface and high-quality streaming, Juraganfilm ensures that you won’t miss a single moment of this captivating drama. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience the thrill and drama of Gracious Revenge – head to Juraganfilm now and start streaming!